libyang  3.9.1
libyang is YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written (and providing API) in C.
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14 #define _GNU_SOURCE /* strdup */
16 #include "plugins_types.h"
18 #include <stdint.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include "libyang.h"
23 /* additional internal headers for some useful simple macros */
24 #include "compat.h"
25 #include "ly_common.h"
26 #include "path.h"
27 #include "plugins_internal.h" /* LY_TYPE_*_STR */
28 #include "xpath.h"
43  struct lyxp_expr *keys;
44  const struct ly_ctx *ctx;
45  void *prefix_data;
47 };
59 static LY_ERR
60 instanceid_keys_print_value(const struct lyd_value_instance_identifier_keys *val, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data,
61  char **str_value, struct ly_err_item **err)
62 {
63  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
64  uint32_t cur_idx = 0, str_len = 0;
65  enum lyxp_token cur_tok;
66  char *str_tok;
67  void *mem;
68  const char *cur_exp_ptr;
69  ly_bool is_nt;
70  const struct lys_module *context_mod = NULL, *local_mod = NULL;
71  struct ly_set *mods;
73  *str_value = NULL;
75  if (format == LY_VALUE_XML) {
76  /* null the local module so that all the prefixes are printed */
77  mods = prefix_data;
78  local_mod = mods->objs[0];
79  mods->objs[0] = NULL;
80  }
82  while (cur_idx < val->keys->used) {
83  cur_tok = val->keys->tokens[cur_idx];
84  cur_exp_ptr = val->keys->expr + val->keys->tok_pos[cur_idx];
86  if ((cur_tok == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) || (cur_tok == LYXP_TOKEN_LITERAL)) {
87  /* tokens that may include prefixes, get them in the target format */
88  is_nt = (cur_tok == LYXP_TOKEN_NAMETEST) ? 1 : 0;
89  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret = lyplg_type_xpath10_print_token(cur_exp_ptr, val->keys->tok_len[cur_idx], is_nt, &context_mod,
90  val->ctx, val->format, val->prefix_data, format, prefix_data, &str_tok, err), cleanup);
92  /* append the converted token */
93  mem = realloc(*str_value, str_len + strlen(str_tok) + 1);
94  if (!mem) {
95  free(str_tok);
96  ret = ly_err_new(err, LY_EMEM, LYVE_DATA, NULL, NULL, "No memory.");
97  goto cleanup;
98  }
99  *str_value = mem;
100  str_len += sprintf(*str_value + str_len, "%s", str_tok);
101  free(str_tok);
103  /* token processed */
104  ++cur_idx;
105  } else {
106  /* just copy the token */
107  mem = realloc(*str_value, str_len + val->keys->tok_len[cur_idx] + 1);
108  if (!mem) {
109  ret = ly_err_new(err, LY_EMEM, LYVE_DATA, NULL, NULL, "No memory.");
110  goto cleanup;
111  }
112  *str_value = mem;
113  str_len += sprintf(*str_value + str_len, "%.*s", (int)val->keys->tok_len[cur_idx], cur_exp_ptr);
115  /* token processed */
116  ++cur_idx;
117  }
118  }
120 cleanup:
121  if (local_mod) {
122  mods->objs[0] = (void *)local_mod;
123  }
124  if (ret) {
125  free(*str_value);
126  *str_value = NULL;
127  }
128  return ret;
129 }
134 static LY_ERR
135 lyplg_type_store_instanceid_keys(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const void *value, size_t value_len,
136  uint32_t options, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints, const struct lysc_node *UNUSED(ctx_node),
137  struct lyd_value *storage, struct lys_glob_unres *UNUSED(unres), struct ly_err_item **err)
138 {
139  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
140  struct lysc_type_str *type_str = (struct lysc_type_str *)type;
142  uint32_t *prev_lo, temp_lo = LY_LOSTORE;
143  const struct ly_err_item *eitem;
144  char *canon;
146  /* init storage */
147  memset(storage, 0, sizeof *storage);
149  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!val, ret = LY_EMEM, cleanup);
150  storage->realtype = type;
152  /* check hints */
153  ret = lyplg_type_check_hints(hints, value, value_len, type->basetype, NULL, err);
154  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
156  /* length restriction of the string */
157  if (type_str->length) {
158  /* value_len is in bytes, but we need number of characters here */
159  ret = lyplg_type_validate_range(LY_TYPE_STRING, type_str->length, ly_utf8len(value, value_len), value, value_len, err);
160  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
161  }
163  /* pattern restrictions */
164  ret = lyplg_type_validate_patterns(type_str->patterns, value, value_len, err);
165  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
167  /* parse instance-identifier keys, with optional prefix even though it should be mandatory */
168  if (value_len && (((char *)value)[0] != '[')) {
169  ret = ly_err_new(err, LY_EVALID, LYVE_DATA, NULL, NULL, "Invalid first character '%c', list key predicates expected.",
170  ((char *)value)[0]);
171  goto cleanup;
172  }
174  /* do not log */
175  prev_lo = ly_temp_log_options(&temp_lo);
176  ret = ly_path_parse_predicate(ctx, NULL, value_len ? value : "", value_len, LY_PATH_PREFIX_OPTIONAL,
177  LY_PATH_PRED_KEYS, &val->keys);
178  ly_temp_log_options(prev_lo);
179  if (ret) {
180  eitem = ly_err_last(ctx);
181  ret = ly_err_new(err, ret, LYVE_DATA, eitem->data_path, NULL, "%s", eitem->msg);
182  ly_err_clean((struct ly_ctx *)ctx, NULL);
183  goto cleanup;
184  }
185  val->ctx = ctx;
187  /* store format-specific data and context for later prefix resolution */
188  ret = lyplg_type_prefix_data_new(ctx, value, value_len, format, prefix_data, &val->format, &val->prefix_data);
189  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
191  switch (format) {
192  case LY_VALUE_CANON:
193  case LY_VALUE_JSON:
194  case LY_VALUE_LYB:
195  case LY_VALUE_STR_NS:
196  /* store canonical value */
197  if (options & LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC) {
198  ret = lydict_insert_zc(ctx, (char *)value, &storage->_canonical);
199  options &= ~LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC;
200  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
201  } else {
202  ret = lydict_insert(ctx, value_len ? value : "", value_len, &storage->_canonical);
203  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
204  }
205  break;
206  case LY_VALUE_SCHEMA:
208  case LY_VALUE_XML:
209  /* JSON format with prefix is the canonical one */
210  ret = instanceid_keys_print_value(val, LY_VALUE_JSON, NULL, &canon, err);
211  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
213  ret = lydict_insert_zc(ctx, canon, &storage->_canonical);
214  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
215  break;
216  }
218 cleanup:
219  if (options & LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC) {
220  free((void *)value);
221  }
223  if (ret) {
224  lyplg_type_free_xpath10(ctx, storage);
225  }
226  return ret;
227 }
237  {
238  .module = "yang",
239  .revision = NULL,
240  .name = "instance-identifier-keys",
242 = "libyang 2 - instance-identifier-keys, version 1",
243 = lyplg_type_store_instanceid_keys,
244  .plugin.validate = NULL,
245 = lyplg_type_compare_simple,
246  .plugin.sort = lyplg_type_sort_simple,
247  .plugin.print = lyplg_type_print_xpath10,
248  .plugin.duplicate = lyplg_type_dup_xpath10,
249 = lyplg_type_free_xpath10,
250  .plugin.lyb_data_len = -1,
251  },
252  {0}
253 };
struct lysc_type * realtype
Definition: tree_data.h:580
Compiled YANG data node.
Definition: tree_schema.h:1439
memset(value->fixed_mem, 0, LYD_VALUE_FIXED_MEM_SIZE)
LIBYANG_API_DEF LY_ERR lyplg_type_xpath10_print_token(const char *token, uint16_t tok_len, ly_bool is_nametest, const struct lys_module **context_mod, const struct ly_ctx *resolve_ctx, LY_VALUE_FORMAT resolve_format, const void *resolve_prefix_data, LY_VALUE_FORMAT get_format, void *get_prefix_data, char **token_p, struct ly_err_item **err)
Print xpath1.0 token in the specific format.
Definition: xpath1.0.c:41
LIBYANG_API_DECL uint32_t * ly_temp_log_options(uint32_t *opts)
Set temporary thread-safe logger options overwriting those set by ly_log_options().
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_compare_simple(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_compare_clb for a generic simple type.
uint8_t ly_bool
Type to indicate boolean value.
Definition: log.h:28
Definition: log.h:242
char * msg
Definition: log.h:289
LIBYANG_API_DEF int lyplg_type_sort_simple(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_sort_clb for a generic simple type.
The main libyang public header.
struct lysc_pattern ** patterns
Definition: tree_schema.h:1339
struct lysc_range * length
Definition: tree_schema.h:1338
YANG data representation.
Definition: tree_data.h:576
const char * _canonical
Definition: tree_data.h:577
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_validate_patterns(struct lysc_pattern **patterns, const char *str, size_t str_len, struct ly_err_item **err)
Data type validator for pattern-restricted string values.
Libyang full error structure.
Definition: log.h:285
Definition: log.h:277
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR ly_err_new(struct ly_err_item **err, LY_ERR ecode, LY_VECODE vecode, char *data_path, char *apptag, const char *err_format,...) _FORMAT_PRINTF(6
Create and fill error structure.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_prefix_data_new(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const void *value, size_t value_len, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, const void *prefix_data, LY_VALUE_FORMAT *format_p, void **prefix_data_p)
Store used prefixes in a string into an internal libyang structure used in lyd_value.
Structure to hold a set of (not necessary somehow connected) objects. Usually used for lyd_node...
Definition: set.h:47
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_dup_xpath10(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *original, struct lyd_value *dup)
Implementation of lyplg_type_dup_clb for the ietf-yang-types xpath1.0 type.
Definition: xpath1.0.c:467
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lydict_insert(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *value, size_t len, const char **str_p)
Insert string into dictionary. If the string is already present, only a reference counter is incremen...
Available YANG schema tree structures representing YANG module.
Definition: tree_schema.h:2157
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_check_hints(uint32_t hints, const char *value, size_t value_len, LY_DATA_TYPE type, int *base, struct ly_err_item **err)
Check that the type is suitable for the parser&#39;s hints (if any) in the specified format.
LIBYANG_API_DECL const void * lyplg_type_print_xpath10(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *value, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, ly_bool *dynamic, size_t *value_len)
Implementation of lyplg_type_print_clb for the ietf-yang-types xpath1.0 type.
Definition: xpath1.0.c:428
const char * module
LIBYANG_API_DECL void ly_err_clean(struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct ly_err_item *eitem)
Free error structures from a context.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lydict_insert_zc(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, char *value, const char **str_p)
Insert string into dictionary - zerocopy version. If the string is already present, only a reference counter is incremented and no memory allocation is performed. This insert function variant avoids duplication of specified value - it is inserted into the dictionary directly.
LIBYANG_API_DECL void lyplg_type_free_xpath10(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyd_value *value)
Implementation of lyplg_type_free_clb for the ietf-yang-types xpath1.0 type.
Definition: xpath1.0.c:499
All kinds of supported value formats and prefix mappings to modules.
Definition: tree.h:234
LIBYANG_API_DECL struct ly_err_item * ly_err_last(const struct ly_ctx *ctx)
Get the latest (thread, context-specific) generated error structure.
Definition: log.h:248
#define LYPLG_TYPE_VAL_INLINE_PREPARE(storage, type_val)
Prepare value memory for storing a specific type value, may be allocated dynamically.
LY_DATA_TYPE basetype
Definition: tree_schema.h:1305
struct lyplg_type_record plugins_instanceid_keys[]
Plugin information for instance-identifier type implementation.
API for (user) types plugins.
#define LY_LOSTORE
Definition: log.h:119
Special lyd_value structure for yang instance-identifier-keys values.
libyang&#39;s error codes returned by the libyang functions.
Definition: log.h:240
libyang context handler.
char * data_path
Definition: log.h:290
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_validate_range(LY_DATA_TYPE basetype, struct lysc_range *range, int64_t value, const char *strval, size_t strval_len, struct ly_err_item **err)
Data type validator for a range/length-restricted values.