ly_ctx | Libyang context handler |
 ly_err_item | Libyang full error structure |
 ly_ht | Libyang hash table |
 ly_in | Parser input structure specifying where the data are read |
 ly_opaq_name | Generic prefix and namespace mapping, meaning depends on the format |
 ly_opaq_name.__unnamed__ | |
 ly_out | Printer output structure specifying where the data are printed |
 ly_set | Structure to hold a set of (not necessary somehow connected) objects. Usually used for lyd_node, lysp_node or lysc_node objects, but it is not limited to them. Caller is supposed to not mix the type of objects added to the set and according to its knowledge about the set content, it can access objects via the members of the set union |
 ly_set.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_any_value | Union for anydata/anyxml value representation |
 lyd_attr | Generic attribute structure |
 lyd_leafref_links_rec | Structure of leafref links record |
 lyd_meta | Metadata structure |
 lyd_node | Generic structure for a data node |
 lyd_node_any | Data node structure for the anydata data tree nodes - anydata or anyxml |
 lyd_node_any.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_node_any.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_node_inner | Data node structure for the inner data tree nodes - containers, lists, RPCs, actions and Notifications |
 lyd_node_inner.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_node_inner.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_node_opaq | Data node structure for unparsed (opaque) nodes |
 lyd_node_opaq.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_node_opaq.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_node_term | Data node structure for the terminal data tree nodes - leaves and leaf-lists |
 lyd_node_term.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_node_term.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_value | YANG data representation |
 lyd_value.__unnamed__ | |
 lyd_value_binary | Special lyd_value structure for built-in binary values |
 lyd_value_bits | Special lyd_value structure for built-in bits values |
 lyd_value_date_and_time | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-yang-types date-and-time values |
 lyd_value_instance_identifier_keys | Special lyd_value structure for yang instance-identifier-keys values |
 lyd_value_ipv4_address | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-inet-types ipv4-address values |
 lyd_value_ipv4_address_no_zone | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-inet-types ipv4-address-no-zone values |
 lyd_value_ipv4_prefix | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-inet-types ipv4-prefix values |
 lyd_value_ipv6_address | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-inet-types ipv6-address values |
 lyd_value_ipv6_address_no_zone | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-inet-types ipv6-address-no-zone values |
 lyd_value_ipv6_prefix | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-inet-types ipv6-prefix values |
 lyd_value_lyds_tree | Special lyd_value structure for lyds tree value |
 lyd_value_union | Special lyd_value structure for built-in union values |
 lyd_value_xpath10 | Special lyd_value structure for ietf-yang-types xpath1.0 values |
 lyplg_ext | Extension plugin implementing various aspects of a YANG extension |
 lyplg_ext_record | |
 lyplg_type | Hold type-specific functions for various operations with the data values |
 lyplg_type_record | |
 lys_module | Available YANG schema tree structures representing YANG module |
 lysc_ext | Compiled YANG extension-stmt |
 lysc_ext_instance | YANG extension compiled instance |
 lysc_ext_substmt | Structure representing a compiled known YANG substatement in an extension instance |
 lysc_ident | YANG identity-stmt |
 lysc_iffeature | Compiled YANG if-feature-stmt |
 lysc_module | Compiled YANG schema tree structure representing YANG module |
 lysc_must | |
 lysc_node | Compiled YANG data node |
 lysc_node_action | |
 lysc_node_action.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_action.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_action_inout | |
 lysc_node_action_inout.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_action_inout.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_anydata | |
 lysc_node_anydata.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_anydata.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_case | |
 lysc_node_case.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_case.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_choice | |
 lysc_node_choice.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_choice.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_container | |
 lysc_node_container.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_container.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_leaf | |
 lysc_node_leaf.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_leaf.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_leaflist | |
 lysc_node_leaflist.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_leaflist.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_list | |
 lysc_node_list.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_list.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_notif | |
 lysc_node_notif.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_node_notif.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_pattern | |
 lysc_prefix | Compiled prefix data pair mapping of prefixes to modules. In case the format is LY_VALUE_SCHEMA_RESOLVED, the expected prefix data is a sized array of these structures |
 lysc_range | |
  lysc_range_part | |
  lysc_range_part.__unnamed__ | |
  lysc_range_part.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_revision | Compiled YANG revision statement |
 lysc_type | |
 lysc_type_bin | |
 lysc_type_bitenum_item | |
 lysc_type_bitenum_item.__unnamed__ | |
 lysc_type_bits | |
 lysc_type_dec | |
 lysc_type_enum | |
 lysc_type_identityref | |
 lysc_type_instanceid | |
 lysc_type_leafref | |
 lysc_type_num | |
 lysc_type_str | |
 lysc_type_union | |
 lysc_when | YANG when-stmt |
 lysp_deviate | Generic deviate structure to get type and cast to lysp_deviate_* structure |
 lysp_deviate_add | |
 lysp_deviate_del | |
 lysp_deviate_rpl | |
 lysp_deviation | |
 lysp_ext | YANG extension-stmt |
 lysp_ext_instance | YANG extension parsed instance |
 lysp_ext_substmt | Structure representing a parsed known YANG substatement in an extension instance |
 lysp_feature | YANG feature-stmt |
 lysp_ident | YANG identity-stmt |
 lysp_import | YANG import-stmt |
 lysp_include | YANG include-stmt |
 lysp_module | Printable YANG schema tree structure representing YANG module |
 lysp_node | Generic YANG data node |
 lysp_node_action | YANG rpc-stmt and action-stmt |
 lysp_node_action.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_action.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_action_inout | YANG input-stmt and output-stmt |
 lysp_node_action_inout.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_action_inout.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_anydata | |
 lysp_node_anydata.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_anydata.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_augment | YANG uses-augment-stmt and augment-stmt (compatible with struct lysp_node ) |
 lysp_node_augment.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_augment.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_case | |
 lysp_node_case.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_case.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_choice | |
 lysp_node_choice.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_choice.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_container | Extension structure of the lysp_node for YANG container |
 lysp_node_container.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_container.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_grp | YANG grouping-stmt |
 lysp_node_grp.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_grp.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_leaf | |
 lysp_node_leaf.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_leaf.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_leaflist | |
 lysp_node_leaflist.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_leaflist.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_list | |
 lysp_node_list.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_list.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_notif | YANG notification-stmt |
 lysp_node_notif.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_notif.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_uses | |
 lysp_node_uses.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_node_uses.__unnamed__.__unnamed__ | |
 lysp_qname | Qualified name (optional prefix followed by an identifier) |
 lysp_refine | YANG refine-stmt |
 lysp_restr | Covers restrictions: range, length, pattern, must |
 lysp_revision | YANG revision-stmt |
 lysp_stmt | Structure representing a generic parsed YANG substatement in an extension instance |
 lysp_submodule | |
 lysp_tpdf | YANG typedef-stmt |
 lysp_type | YANG type-stmt |
 lysp_type_enum | Enumeration/Bit value definition |
 lysp_when | YANG when-stmt |