libyang  3.4.2
libyang is YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written (and providing API) in C.
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros Groups Pages
src Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for src:


directory  plugins_exts
directory  plugins_types


file  context.h [code]
 internal context structures and functions
file  dict.h [code]
 libyang dictionary
file  hash_table.h [code]
 libyang hash table
file  in.h [code]
 libyang input structures and functions
file  libyang.h [code]
 The main libyang public header.
file  log.h [code]
 Logger manipulation routines and error definitions.
file  out.h [code]
 libyang output structures and functions
file  parser_data.h [code]
 Data parsers for libyang.
file  parser_schema.h [code]
 Schema parsers for libyang.
file  plugins.h [code]
 Plugins manipulation.
file  plugins_exts.h [code]
 libyang support for YANG extensions implementation.
file  plugins_types.h [code]
 API for (user) types plugins.
file  printer_data.h [code]
 Data printers for libyang.
file  printer_schema.h [code]
 Schema printers for libyang.
file  set.h [code]
 Generic set structure and manipulation routines.
file  tree.h [code]
 libyang generic macros and functions to work with YANG schema or data trees.
file  tree_data.h [code]
 libyang representation of YANG data trees.
file  tree_edit.h [code]
 libyang generic macros and functions to modify YANG schema or data trees. Intended for internal use and libyang plugins.
file  tree_schema.h [code]
 libyang representation of YANG schema trees.