libyang  3.4.4
libyang is YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written (and providing API) in C.
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Transition Manual (2.x -> 3.0)

Non-backwards-compatible changes between libyang version 2 and 3 are rather minor and can be summarized as providing structured error information (instead of a single message), unifying lyd_new_*() function options, and some minor changes such as removing deprecated functions or making a few functions inlined. However, there is another large change that has not affected the API, specifically configuration system-ordered lists and leaf-lists are now ordered based on their keys/values, respectively. Except for moderately slower performance and negligible increased memory requirements, it should not affect existing applications (assuming they do not rely on the previous order of these instances).

The complete generated list of changes (without any additional notes) can be found in the compatibility report.


Except for some function adjustments, ly_err_item has been changed to provide every piece of error information in a separate member to allow for easier processing.

Here is the overview of the changed / removed / added functions connected to logging.

libyang 2.x libyang 3.0 Notes
ly_last_errmsg() ly_last_logmsg() Function renamed with the same functionality.
ly_strerrcode() ly_strerr() Function renamed with the same functionality.
ly_errcode() - Now requires ly_err_last() call.
ly_errmsg() - ^
ly_errpath() - ^
ly_vecode() - ^

Data Creation

libyang 2.x libyang 3.0 Notes
lyd_find_xpath3() lyd_find_xpath3() Optional prefix data parameter added.
LYD_NEW_PATH_OUTPUT LYD_NEW_VAL_OUTPUT Some LYD_NEW_PATH_* options now also used for other lyd_new_* functions.
lyd_new_path() lyd_new_path() All options now in a single bitmap parameter of New value creation options.
lyd_new_any() lyd_new_any() ^
lyd_new_list() lyd_new_list() ^
lyd_new_list2() lyd_new_list2() ^
lyd_new_list3() lyd_new_list3() ^
lyd_new_meta() lyd_new_meta() ^
lyd_new_meta2() lyd_new_meta2() ^
lyd_new_term() lyd_new_term() ^
lyd_new_list3_bin() lyd_new_list3() Functionality now merged into the single function.
lyd_new_list3_canon() ^ ^
lyd_new_list_bin() lyd_new_list() Functionality now merged into the single function.
lyd_new_list_canon() ^ ^
lyd_new_term_canon() lyd_new_term() Functionality now merged into the single function.

Other Minor Changes

Except for the function changes below, lysc_type now has a copy of the typedef name, if applicable. There are use-cases when this information is needed even in the compiled schema tree such as checking the real type of a union value.

libyang 2.x libyang 3.0 Notes
lyd_child() lyd_child() Now an inlined function for better performance.
lyd_get_value() lyd_get_value() ^
lyd_parent() lyd_parent() ^
lyd_find_xpath4() lyd_find_xpath3() Previous lyd_find_xpath3 was removed to reduce symbols.
lyd_target() - Deprecated.
ly_ctx_reset_latests() - ^