libyang  3.4.2
libyang is YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written (and providing API) in C.
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Building libyang

libyang utilizes CMake build system to detect necessary dependencies, checkout the build environment and prepare Makefiles for the compilation of the library and acompanied tools.


Building Requirements

  • C compiler (gcc, clang, ...)
  • CMake >= 2.8.12
  • libpcre2 (including headers - devel package) >= 10.30

Optional Requirements

  • doxygen (for generating documentation)
  • cmocka >= 1.0.0 (for tests)
  • valgrind (for enhanced testing)
  • gcov (for code coverage)
  • lcov (for code coverage)
  • genhtml (for code coverage)

Runtime Requirements

  • libpcre2 (runtime package) >= 10.30


To simply build libyang library and the accompanied tools with the default settings, follow these steps (the # character indicates command(s) to run with root privileges):

$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
# make install

The default settings can be changed with various CMake variables set via command line or using e.g. ccmake(1) tool. The following sections introduces those variables and explain their meaning.

Build Types

There are several build types according to the primary goal of using the built binaries.


Build type to produce final binaries for production use without any debug option. The compiler flags are set as follows:

-Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -std=c99 -O3 -DNDEBUG

Here is the list of the selected additional options available in the Release build type.

Option Description Default
ENABLE_VALGRIND_TESTS Build tests with valgrind. OFF
ENABLE_COVERAGE Build code coverage report from tests. OFF
ENABLE_FUZZ_TARGETS Build target programs suitable for fuzzing with AFL. OFF
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Build shared (.so) instead of static (.a) library ON
INTERNAL_DOCS Include developers notes and internal API description into generated Documentation OFF

Here is the list of available important targets for the make(1) tool:

Target Description
all Default target, builds libyang library (.so), yanglint(1) and yangre(1).
clean Removes files generated by the make process.
cclean Extends the clean target by removing all the cmake generated files.
doc Generate HTML documentation. Requires doxygen(1).


Debug is the default build type, the produced binaries include additional debug information and the prepared tests are also built. The compiler flags are set as follows:

-Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -std=c99 -g3 -O0

Here is the list of the selected additional options available in the Debug build type.

Option Description Default
ENABLE_VALGRIND_TESTS Build tests with valgrind. ON
ENABLE_COVERAGE Build code coverage report from tests. OFF
ENABLE_FUZZ_TARGETS Build target programs suitable for fuzzing with AFL. OFF
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS Build shared (.so) instead of static (.a) library ON
INTERNAL_DOCS Include developers notes and internal API description into generated Documentation OFF

Here is the list of available important targets for the make(1) tool:

Target Description
all Default target, builds libyang library (.so), yanglint(1) and yangre(1).
clean Removes files generated by the make process.
cclean Extends the clean target by removing all the cmake generated files.
doc Generate HTML documentation. Requires doxygen(1).
test Run implementation tests. Requires cmocka (and valgrind(1) for part of the tests).
format Reformat source codes using uncrustify(1).
format-check Dry-run of the format target.


Special build type to perform check of the ABI/API compatibility and generate reports. In addition to the basic requirements, the build type requires some of the ABI Laboratory tools: abi-dumper(1) and abi-compliance-checker(1).

The compiler flags are set as follows:

-Wall -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers -std=c99 -g -Og

All the additional options are switched OFF and the settings should not be changed.

Here is the list of available important targets for the make(1) tool:

Target Description
all Default target, builds libyang library (.so), yanglint(1) and yangre(1).
clean Removes files generated by the make process.
cclean Extends the clean target by removing all the cmake generated files.
doc Generate HTML documentation. Requires doxygen(1).
abi-check Check the backward compatibility of the API/ABI changes. Requires abi-compliance-checker(1) and abi-dump(1).
abi-dump Helper target for abi-check generating API/ABI reports. Requires abi-dump(1).


Special build type to avoid any requirements except those for building documentation. There are no compiler flags set since the build type does not allow building any binary output. The settings of the additional options should not be changed.

Here is the list of available important targets for the make(1) tool:

Target Description
all Default target, does nothing.
doc Generate HTML documentation. Requires doxygen(1).