YANG-based system repository for all-around configuration management.
sr_data_t | Structure that safely wraps libyang data and prevents unexpected context changes |
sr_error_info_err_t | A single, detailed error message. Used in sr_error_info_t |
sr_error_info_t | Detailed sysrepo session error information |
sr_install_mod_t | Information about a module to be installed |
sr_install_mod_t.__unnamed__ | |
sr_module_ds_t | Custom datastore implementation config for each datastore and notifications of a module |
sr_val_data_t | Data of an element (if applicable), properly set according to the type |
sr_val_t | Structure that contains value of an data element stored in the sysrepo datastore |
sr_xpath_ctx_s | State of xpath parsing. User must not modify nor rely on the content of the structure |
srplg_ds_s | Datastore plugin structure |
srplg_ntf_s | Notification plugin structure |
srsn_state_sub_t | |
srsn_state_sub_t.__unnamed__ | |
srsn_state_sub_t.__unnamed__.sub_notif | |
srsn_state_sub_t.__unnamed__.yp_on_change | |
srsn_state_sub_t.__unnamed__.yp_periodic |