libnetconf2  3.6.1
NETCONF server and client library in C.
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Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 1234]
oClientNETCONF client functionality
|oClient MessagesFunctions to create NETCONF RPCs (or actions) and process replies received from the server
|oClient SSHClient-side settings for SSH connections
|oClient SessionClient-side NETCONF session manipulation
|oClient TLSClient-side settings for TLS connections
|\Client-side Call HomeCall Home functionality for client-side applications
| oClient-side Call Home on SSHSSH settings for the Call Home functionality
| \Client-side Call Home on TLSTLS settings for the Call Home functionality
oMiscellaneousMiscellaneous macros, types, structure and functions for a generic use by both server and client applications
\ServerNETCONF server functionality
 oServer ConfigurationServer-side configuration creation and application
 |oCall Home Server ConfigurationCall Home server configuration creation and deletion
 ||oCall Home Server Configuration FunctionsCall Home server configuration functions
 ||oSSH Call Home Server ConfigurationSSH Call Home server configuration creation and deletion
 ||\TLS Call Home Server ConfigurationTLS Call Home server configuration creation and deletion
 |oSSH Server ConfigurationSSH server configuration creation and deletion
 |oServer Configuration FunctionsServer-side configuration functions
 |\TLS Server ConfigurationTLS server configuration creation and deletion
 oServer Functions
 oServer MessagesFunctions to create NETCONF Event notifications and replies to the NETCONF RPCs (or actions)
 oServer SSHServer-side settings for SSH connections
 oServer SessionServer-side NETCONF session manipulation
 oServer TLSServer-side settings for TLS connections
 \Server-side Call HomeCall Home functionality for server-side applications
  \Server-side Call Home FunctionsServer-side Call Home functions