libnetconf2  3.6.1
NETCONF server and client library in C.
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TLS Server Configuration

TLS server configuration creation and deletion. More...

Collaboration diagram for TLS Server Configuration:


int nc_server_config_add_tls_ca_cert (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_name, const char *cert_path, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificate. More...
int nc_server_config_add_tls_ca_cert_truststore_ref (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_bag_ref, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a truststore reference to a set of client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificates. More...
int nc_server_config_add_tls_client_cert (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_name, const char *cert_path, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a client's (end-entity) certificate. More...
int nc_server_config_add_tls_client_cert_truststore_ref (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_bag_ref, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a truststore reference to a set of client (end-entity) certificates. More...
int nc_server_config_add_tls_ctn (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, uint32_t id, const char *fingerprint, NC_TLS_CTN_MAPTYPE map_type, const char *name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a cert-to-name entry. More...
int nc_server_config_add_tls_endpoint_client_ref (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, const char *referenced_endpt, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes, which will be a reference to another TLS endpoint's certificates. More...
int nc_server_config_add_tls_keystore_ref (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, const char *asym_key_ref, const char *cert_ref, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a keystore reference to the TLS server's certificate. More...
int nc_server_config_add_tls_server_cert (const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *endpt_name, const char *privkey_path, const char *pubkey_path, const char *cert_path, struct lyd_node **config)
 Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a server's certificate. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_ca_cert (const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes a client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificate from the YANG data. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_ca_cert_truststore_ref (const char *endpt_name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes a client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificates truststore reference from the YANG data. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_client_cert (const char *endpt_name, const char *cert_name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes a client (end-entity) certificate from the YANG data. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_client_cert_truststore_ref (const char *endpt_name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes a client (end-entity) certificates truststore reference from the YANG data. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_ctn (const char *endpt_name, uint32_t id, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes a cert-to-name entry from the YANG data. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_endpoint_client_ref (const char *endpt_name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes reference to another TLS endpoint's users from the YANG data. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_keystore_ref (const char *endpt_name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes a TLS server certificate keystore reference from the YANG data. More...
int nc_server_config_del_tls_server_cert (const char *endpt_name, struct lyd_node **config)
 Deletes the server's certificate from the YANG data. More...

Detailed Description

TLS server configuration creation and deletion.

SSH Server Configuration

Function Documentation

int nc_server_config_add_tls_server_cert ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  privkey_path,
const char *  pubkey_path,
const char *  cert_path,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a server's certificate.

[in]ctxlibyang context.
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its server certificate will be changed.
[in]privkey_pathPath to the server's PEM encoded private key file.
[in]pubkey_pathOptional path to the server's public key file. If not provided, it will be generated from the private key.
[in]cert_pathPath to the server's certificate file.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_server_cert ( const char *  endpt_name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes the server's certificate from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_add_tls_keystore_ref ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  asym_key_ref,
const char *  cert_ref,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a keystore reference to the TLS server's certificate.

[in]ctxlibyang context.
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its contents will be changed.
[in]asym_key_refName of the asymmetric key pair in the keystore to be referenced.
[in]cert_refName of the certificate, which must belong to the given asymmetric key pair, to be referenced.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_keystore_ref ( const char *  endpt_name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes a TLS server certificate keystore reference from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_add_tls_client_cert ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  cert_name,
const char *  cert_path,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a client's (end-entity) certificate.

A client certificate is authenticated if it is an exact match to a configured client certificate.

[in]ctxlibyang context.
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its contents will be changed.
[in]cert_nameArbitrary identifier of the client's certificate. If a client certificate with this identifier already exists, it will be changed.
[in]cert_pathPath to the client's certificate file.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_client_cert ( const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  cert_name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes a client (end-entity) certificate from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in]cert_nameOptional name of a certificate to be deleted. If NULL, all of the end-entity certificates on the given endpoint will be deleted.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_add_tls_client_cert_truststore_ref ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  cert_bag_ref,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a truststore reference to a set of client (end-entity) certificates.

[in]ctxlibyang context.
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its contents will be changed.
[in]cert_bag_refIdentifier of the certificate bag in the truststore to be referenced.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_client_cert_truststore_ref ( const char *  endpt_name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes a client (end-entity) certificates truststore reference from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_add_tls_ca_cert ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  cert_name,
const char *  cert_path,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificate.

A client certificate is authenticated if it has a valid chain of trust to any configured CA cert. The configured CA cert, up to which the valid chain of trust can be built, does not have to be self-signed (the root CA). That means that the chain may be incomplete, yet the client will be authenticated.

For example assume a certificate chain A <- B <- C, where A is the root CA, then the client certificate C will be authenticated either if solely B is configured, or if both A and B are configured. C will not be authenticated if just A is configured as a CA certificate.

[in]ctxlibyang context.
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its contents will be changed.
[in]cert_nameArbitrary identifier of the certificate authority certificate. If a CA with this identifier already exists, it will be changed.
[in]cert_pathPath to the CA certificate file.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_ca_cert ( const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  cert_name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes a client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificate from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in]cert_nameOptional name of a certificate to be deleted. If NULL, all of the CA certificates on the given endpoint will be deleted.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_add_tls_ca_cert_truststore_ref ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  cert_bag_ref,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a truststore reference to a set of client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificates.

[in]ctxlibyang context.
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its contents will be changed.
[in]cert_bag_refIdentifier of the certificate bag in the truststore to be referenced.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_ca_cert_truststore_ref ( const char *  endpt_name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes a client certificate authority (trust-anchor) certificates truststore reference from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_add_tls_endpoint_client_ref ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
const char *  referenced_endpt,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes, which will be a reference to another TLS endpoint's certificates.

Whenever an user tries to connect to the referencing endpoint, all of its certificates will be tried first. If no match is found, the referenced endpoint's configured certificates will be tried. The same applies to cert-to-name entries.

[in]ctxlibyang context
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its contents will be changed.
[in]referenced_endptIdentifier of an endpoint, which has to exist whenever this data is applied. The referenced endpoint can reference another one and so on, but there mustn't be a cycle.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_endpoint_client_ref ( const char *  endpt_name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes reference to another TLS endpoint's users from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_add_tls_ctn ( const struct ly_ctx *  ctx,
const char *  endpt_name,
uint32_t  id,
const char *  fingerprint,
const char *  name,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Creates new YANG configuration data nodes for a cert-to-name entry.

[in]ctxlibyang context.
[in]endpt_nameArbitrary identifier of the endpoint. If an endpoint with this identifier already exists, its contents will be changed.
[in]idID of the entry. The lower the ID, the higher the priority of the entry (it will be checked earlier).
[in]fingerprintOptional fingerprint of the entry. The fingerprint should always be set, however if it is not set, it will match any certificate. Entry with no fingerprint should therefore be placed only as the last entry.
[in]map_typeMapping username to the certificate option.
[in]nameUsername for this cert-to-name entry.
[in,out]configConfiguration YANG data tree. If *config is NULL, it will be created. Otherwise the new YANG data will be added to the previous data and may override it.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.
int nc_server_config_del_tls_ctn ( const char *  endpt_name,
uint32_t  id,
struct lyd_node **  config 

Deletes a cert-to-name entry from the YANG data.

[in]endpt_nameIdentifier of an existing endpoint.
[in]idOptional ID of the CTN entry. If 0, all of the cert-to-name entries on the given endpoint will be deleted.
[in,out]configModified configuration YANG data tree.
0 on success, non-zero otherwise.