sysrepo  3.4.8
YANG-based system repository for all-around configuration management.
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sysrepo-plugind Plugin Example

This page includes a guide on how to write a simple YANG module and then get Sysrepo to handle its data either as a plugin or a stand-alone daemon. It is best to have at least a basic understanding of Sysrepo before continuing.

Simple YANG module

For any device you want to manage with Sysrepo you will need a YANG module of the device. The language is quite rich and allows for description of almost any system. As an example, an oven will be fully managed by Sysrepo. All basic parts of YANG will be covered, namely configuration data, state data, RPCs, and notifications.

To simplify things, our oven is a cheap model that has only a switch for turning it on and off and a slider to set the temperature. However, it can provide information about the actual temperature inside and also notify the cook when the internal temperature reaches the configured temperature. Furthermore, raw food can be prepared in advance and the oven can automatically put it inside or remove it if prompted. That leaves us with this YANG model:

module oven {
namespace "urn:sysrepo:oven";
prefix ov;
revision 2018-01-19 {
description "Initial revision.";
typedef oven-temperature {
description "Temperature range that is accepted by the oven.";
type uint8 {
range "0..250";
container oven {
description "Configuration container of the oven.";
leaf turned-on {
description "Main switch determining whether the oven is on or off.";
type boolean;
default false;
leaf temperature {
description "Slider for configuring the desired temperature.";
type oven-temperature;
default 0;
container oven-state {
description "State data container of the oven.";
config false;
leaf temperature {
description "Actual temperature inside the oven.";
type oven-temperature;
leaf food-inside {
description "Informs whether the food is inside the oven or not.";
type boolean;
rpc insert-food {
description "Operation to order the oven to put the prepared food inside.";
input {
leaf time {
description "Parameter determining when to perform the operation.";
type enumeration {
enum now {
description "Put the food in the oven immediately.";
enum on-oven-ready {
"Put the food in once the temperature inside
the oven is at least the configured one. If it
is already, the behaviour is similar to 'now'.";
rpc remove-food {
description "Operation to order the oven to take the food out.";
notification oven-ready {
"Event of the configured temperature matching the actual
temperature inside the oven. If the configured temperature
is lower than the actual one, no notification is generated
when the oven cools down to the configured temperature.";

Oven Plugin

Here it will be step-by-step explained how to write a proper plugin that will manage the oven. All code snippets are taken from the actual implementation.

sysrepo-plugind Plugin API


In the initialization function you must generally initialize the device and create subscriptions to any relevant YANG nodes.

food_inside = 0;
insert_food_on_ready = 0;
oven_temperature = 25;

To start with, the oven must certainly be informed about any changes in its configuration parameters so it is easiest to subscribe to the whole module. The flag SR_SUBSCR_ENABLED is set so that independently of the state of the oven (device) at the moment sysrepo-plugind starts, the currently stored configuration is applied to the device and consistency is kept. The other flag, SR_SUBSCR_DONE_ONLY is used so that the callback is not called to verify any pending changes. For our example, as long as the value is valid based on YANG restrictions, it is always correct.

It is also possible to subscribe to an arbitrary configuration data subtree instead but it is not needed for this example.

rc = sr_module_change_subscribe(session, "oven", oven_config_change_cb, NULL, 0,

Then, as there are also state data in the oven model, a subscription that marks this plugin to be a (exclusive) provider of them is performed. It is called whenever Sysrepo needs the state data subtree, usually when a client asks for them.

Lastly, the plugin will also handle any RPC calls, which also need subsciptions.

rc = sr_rpc_subscribe(session, "/oven:insert-food", oven_insert_food_cb, NULL, 0, &subscription);
rc = sr_rpc_subscribe(session, "/oven:remove-food", oven_remove_food_cb, NULL, 0, &subscription);

Sysrepo provides macros for plugins to be able to print messages in a unified manner so it is advised to use them.

SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("OVEN: Oven plugin initialized successfully.");

The general format is SRP_LOG_(level)(MSG). Instead of (level) the message severity is written, one of DBG, VRB, WRN, or ERR. In the example the suffix MSG was used because there were no additional variable arguments specified. If there are, this suffix is omitted. The arguments are the same as one would use for the printf() function.


As for cleanup, the tasks performed vary greatly and depend on the device. However, it is always required to properly terminate the subscriptions made in the init function and that is the only work required in this example.


subscription was defined as a global variable to simplify the code but it is possible to use private_data, for instance, to store it possibly also with any additional data your application needs. All the other callbacks assigned before can use the same mechanism for passing additional data if needed.

Configuration Data

In the example it is subscribed for the module changes with oven_config_change_cb(). The code seen here is a simplification of the actual code but is better for understanding what the callback should do.

static int
oven_config_change_cb(sr_session_ctx_t *session, const char *module_name, sr_notif_event_t event, void *private_ctx)
int rc;
sr_val_t *val;
rc = sr_get_item(session, "/oven:oven/temperature", &val);
if (rc != SR_ERR_OK) {
goto sr_error;
//apply the temperature to the device
rc = sr_get_item(session, "/oven:oven/turned-on", &val);
if (rc != SR_ERR_OK) {
goto sr_error;
//apply the switch state to the device
return SR_ERR_OK;
SRP_LOG_ERR("OVEN: Oven config change callback failed: %s.", sr_strerror(rc));
return rc;

Firstly, as can be observed, the event variable is ignored. In our example we perform the same actions no matter which event is being processed, it will not be any other than SR_EV_DONE because of the subscription flags.

Then, all the relevant data nodes are read and applied. This approach is the most simple one and cannot be always employed but is fine in this case because it is possible to re-apply changes without any effect. More elaborate machanism, which returns the changes, is using sr_get_changes_iter() with the provided session and thus getting only the specific changed values.

State Data

static int
oven_state_cb(sr_session_ctx_t *session, const char *module_name, const char *path, struct lyd_node **parent, void *private_data)
char str[32];
sprintf(str, "%u", oven_temperature);
lyd_new_path(*parent, NULL, "/oven:oven-state/temperature", str, 0, 0);
lyd_new_path(*parent, NULL, "/oven:oven-state/food-inside", food_inside ? "true" : "false", 0, 0);
return SR_ERR_OK;

The state data callback is self-explaining. As the subscription was only for one container with 2 leaves as children, the path can only have one value. The corresponding children are created.

RPC Subscriptions

static int
oven_insert_food_cb(const char *path, const sr_val_t *input, const size_t input_cnt,
sr_val_t **output, size_t *output_cnt, void *private_data)
if (food_inside) {
SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("OVEN: Food already in the oven.");
if (strcmp(input[0].data.enum_val, "on-oven-ready") == 0) {
if (insert_food_on_ready) {
SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("OVEN: Food already waiting for the oven to be ready.");
insert_food_on_ready = 1;
return SR_ERR_OK;
insert_food_on_ready = 0;
food_inside = 1;
SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("OVEN: Food put into the oven.");
return SR_ERR_OK;
static int
oven_remove_food_cb(const char *path, const sr_val_t *input, const size_t input_cnt,
sr_val_t **output, size_t *output_cnt, void *private_ctx)
if (!food_inside) {
SRP_LOG_ERRMSG("OVEN: Food not in the oven.");
food_inside = 0;
SRP_LOG_DBGMSG("OVEN: Food taken out of the oven.");
return SR_ERR_OK;

RPC callbacks should execute the corresponding RPC. remove-food does only that. But insert-food has some input parameters defined so they need to be handled. In the same way, if there were some output parameters, they would need to be created and returned but that is not our case.


The provider of a notification does not need to subscribe to anything but simply generate any notifications whenever they occur.

rc = sr_event_notif_send(sess, "/oven:oven-ready", NULL, 0);

It is quite straightforward as can be seen from the example. Additionally, if there were any children nodes of the notification, they would need to be created and then passed to the function.

Trying It Out

The model and full plugin source can be found in sysrepo/examples/plugin. Once Sysrepo is built, the oven shared library is stored in examples but it is not installed automatically. Before installing and actually running the plugin it is best to go carefully through the source code. It is just a small well-documented file so it should not take long and one should understand the implemented oven functionality. Also, most of the information covered in the sections above is just basic and detailed descriptions of all these mechanisms can be found in other subpages in the parent developer guide page.

Before being concerned with this particular plugin, Sysrepo must be properly built and installed. Having done that, you must install first the model, then the plugin. For installing the model, you can use sysrepoctl. Then, you can use sysrepo-plugind to install the plugin or manually put it into plugins path.

After that you should be ready to start sysrepo-plugind, which should load the plugin. If you enable debug messages, you should see that the oven plugin was successfully initialized.

Now you are free to play with the oven configuration, RPCs, and notifications. It should work like it is described in the YANG model and how would one expect an oven to behave. Here is one example use-case:

  1. As the very first step, subscribe to oven notifications using notif_subscribe_example
    notif_subscribe_example oven
  2. Prepare food to be inserted into the oven once it reaches a temperature, which will be configured later. The oven is turned off by default. In NETCONF terms, you execute the insert-food RPC. You can do that using sysrepocfg

    sysrepocfg --rpc=vim

    and input

    <insert-food xmlns="urn:sysrepo:oven">

    as the RPC content. You should see some informational sysrepo-plugind output.

  3. Now you are going to turn the oven on and expect to be notified once it reaches the configured temperature. Also, the food should be inserted at that moment. So, you execute

    sysrepocfg --edit=vim --datastore running

    with the content

    <oven xmlns="urn:sysrepo:oven">
  4. After ~4 seconds you should receive the notification. You can also verify that everything went correctly with

    sysrepocfg --export --xpath /oven:*

    The food should be inside the oven.

  5. Once you think the food is baked just right, remove it with another RPC by

    sysrepocfg --rpc=vim


    <remove-food xmlns="urn:sysrepo:oven"/>

    Bon appetit!

Oven Daemon

If you want your device to have a stand-alone daemon that will run as a separate process not using sysrepo-plugind then you do not need to develop a plugin. Having a separate daemon actually has only a few differences that have been mentioned in the previous sentence.

As for the code itself, no specific functions are required as the code will not be compiled into a shared library but an executable binary. However, if the plugin is to be transformed into an application nothing prevents reusing the whole code.

All that is needed is a main() function that will call sr_plugin_init_cb() at the beginning and sr_plugin_cleanup_cb() before terminating. In addition, these functions need a Sysrepo session. To create one we first need a connection. So, a connection is created with sr_connect() and if successful, a session created with sr_session_start(). Now, it is possible to call the init function and on daemon termination to properly cleanup by both calling the cleanup function and freeing the session and connection. Additionally, before being able to compile such an application, the printing macros would have to be changed as there will no longer be a master daemon that would handle printing messages. After these changes, the oven daemon should be ready.