libyang  2.2.8
libyang is YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written (and providing API) in C.
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15 #define _GNU_SOURCE /* strdup */
17 #include "plugins_types.h"
19 #include <assert.h>
20 #include <stdint.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <string.h>
24 #include "libyang.h"
26 /* additional internal headers for some useful simple macros */
27 #include "compat.h"
28 #include "ly_common.h"
29 #include "plugins_internal.h" /* LY_TYPE_*_STR */
46 #define IDX_SIZE 4
58 static LY_ERR
59 union_subvalue_assignment(const void *value, size_t value_len, void **original, size_t *orig_len, uint32_t *options)
60 {
61  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
63  if (*options & LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC) {
64  /* The allocated value is stored and spend. */
65  *original = (void *)value;
66  *options &= ~LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC;
67  } else if (value_len) {
68  /* Make copy of the value. */
69  *original = calloc(1, value_len);
70  LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!*original, ret = LY_EMEM, ret);
71  memcpy(*original, value, value_len);
72  } else {
73  /* Empty value. */
74  *original = strdup("");
75  LY_CHECK_ERR_RET(!*original, ret = LY_EMEM, ret);
76  }
77  *orig_len = value_len;
79  return ret;
80 }
91 static LY_ERR
92 lyb_union_validate(const void *lyb_data, size_t lyb_data_len, const struct lysc_type_union *type_u, struct ly_err_item **err)
93 {
94  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
95  uint64_t type_idx = 0;
97  /* Basic validation. */
98  if (lyb_data_len < IDX_SIZE) {
99  ret = ly_err_new(err, LY_EVALID, LYVE_DATA, NULL, NULL, "Invalid LYB union value size %zu (expected at least 4).",
100  lyb_data_len);
101  return ret;
102  }
104  /* Get index in correct byte order. */
105  memcpy(&type_idx, lyb_data, IDX_SIZE);
106  type_idx = le64toh(type_idx);
107  if (type_idx >= LY_ARRAY_COUNT(type_u->types)) {
108  ret = ly_err_new(err, LY_EVALID, LYVE_DATA, NULL, NULL,
109  "Invalid LYB union type index %" PRIu64 " (type count %" LY_PRI_ARRAY_COUNT_TYPE ").",
110  type_idx, LY_ARRAY_COUNT(type_u->types));
111  return ret;
112  }
114  return ret;
115 }
127 static void
128 lyb_parse_union(const void *lyb_data, size_t lyb_data_len, uint32_t *type_idx, const void **lyb_value, size_t *lyb_value_len)
129 {
130  uint64_t num = 0;
132  assert(lyb_data && !(lyb_value && !lyb_value_len));
134  if (type_idx) {
135  memcpy(&num, lyb_data, IDX_SIZE);
136  num = le64toh(num);
138  *type_idx = num;
139  }
141  if (lyb_value && lyb_value_len && lyb_data_len) {
142  /* Get lyb_value and its length. */
143  if (lyb_data_len == IDX_SIZE) {
144  *lyb_value_len = 0;
145  *lyb_value = "";
146  } else {
147  *lyb_value_len = lyb_data_len - IDX_SIZE;
148  *lyb_value = (char *)lyb_data + IDX_SIZE;
149  }
150  }
151 }
167 static LY_ERR
168 union_store_type(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysc_type *type, struct lyd_value_union *subvalue, uint32_t options,
169  ly_bool resolve, const struct lyd_node *ctx_node, const struct lyd_node *tree, struct lys_glob_unres *unres,
170  struct ly_err_item **err)
171 {
172  LY_ERR ret;
173  const void *value = NULL;
174  size_t value_len = 0;
175  uint32_t opts;
177  *err = NULL;
179  if (subvalue->format == LY_VALUE_LYB) {
180  lyb_parse_union(subvalue->original, subvalue->orig_len, NULL, &value, &value_len);
181  } else {
182  value = subvalue->original;
183  value_len = subvalue->orig_len;
184  }
186  opts = (options & LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_ONLY) ? LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_ONLY : 0;
187  ret = type->plugin->store(ctx, type, value, value_len, opts, subvalue->format, subvalue->prefix_data, subvalue->hints,
188  subvalue->ctx_node, &subvalue->value, unres, err);
189  if ((ret != LY_SUCCESS) && (ret != LY_EINCOMPLETE)) {
190  /* clear any leftover/freed garbage */
191  memset(&subvalue->value, 0, sizeof subvalue->value);
192  return ret;
193  }
195  if (resolve && (ret == LY_EINCOMPLETE)) {
196  /* we need the value resolved */
197  ret = type->plugin->validate(ctx, type, ctx_node, tree, &subvalue->value, err);
198  if (ret) {
199  /* resolve failed, we need to free the stored value */
200  type->plugin->free(ctx, &subvalue->value);
201  }
202  }
204  return ret;
205 }
222 static LY_ERR
223 union_find_type(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysc_type **types, struct lyd_value_union *subvalue,
224  uint32_t options, ly_bool resolve, const struct lyd_node *ctx_node, const struct lyd_node *tree,
225  uint32_t *type_idx, struct lys_glob_unres *unres, struct ly_err_item **err)
226 {
227  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
229  struct ly_err_item **errs = NULL, *e;
230  uint32_t *prev_lo, temp_lo = 0;
231  char *msg = NULL;
232  int msg_len = 0;
234  *err = NULL;
236  if (!types || !LY_ARRAY_COUNT(types)) {
237  return LY_EINVAL;
238  }
240  /* alloc errors */
241  errs = calloc(LY_ARRAY_COUNT(types), sizeof *errs);
242  LY_CHECK_RET(!errs, LY_EMEM);
244  /* turn logging temporarily off */
245  prev_lo = ly_temp_log_options(&temp_lo);
247  /* use the first usable subtype to store the value */
248  for (u = 0; u < LY_ARRAY_COUNT(types); ++u) {
249  ret = union_store_type(ctx, types[u], subvalue, options, resolve, ctx_node, tree, unres, &e);
250  if ((ret == LY_SUCCESS) || (ret == LY_EINCOMPLETE)) {
251  break;
252  }
254  errs[u] = e;
255  }
257  if (u == LY_ARRAY_COUNT(types)) {
258  /* create the full error */
259  msg_len = asprintf(&msg, "Invalid union value \"%.*s\" - no matching subtype found:\n",
260  (int)subvalue->orig_len, (char *)subvalue->original);
261  if (msg_len == -1) {
262  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!errs, ret = LY_EMEM, cleanup);
263  }
264  for (u = 0; u < LY_ARRAY_COUNT(types); ++u) {
265  if (!errs[u]) {
266  /* no error for some reason */
267  continue;
268  }
270  msg = ly_realloc(msg, msg_len + 4 + strlen(types[u]->plugin->id) + 2 + strlen(errs[u]->msg) + 2);
271  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!msg, ret = LY_EMEM, cleanup);
272  msg_len += sprintf(msg + msg_len, " %s: %s\n", types[u]->plugin->id, errs[u]->msg);
273  }
275  ret = ly_err_new(err, LY_EVALID, LYVE_DATA, NULL, NULL, "%s", msg);
276  } else if (type_idx) {
277  *type_idx = u;
278  }
280 cleanup:
281  for (u = 0; u < LY_ARRAY_COUNT(types); ++u) {
282  ly_err_free(errs[u]);
283  }
284  free(errs);
285  free(msg);
286  ly_temp_log_options(prev_lo);
287  return ret;
288 }
304 static LY_ERR
305 lyb_fill_subvalue(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysc_type_union *type_u, const void *lyb_data, size_t lyb_data_len,
306  void *prefix_data, struct lyd_value_union *subvalue, uint32_t *options, struct lys_glob_unres *unres,
307  struct ly_err_item **err)
308 {
309  LY_ERR ret;
310  uint32_t type_idx;
311  const void *lyb_value = NULL;
312  size_t lyb_value_len = 0;
314  ret = lyb_union_validate(lyb_data, lyb_data_len, type_u, err);
315  LY_CHECK_RET(ret);
317  /* parse lyb_data and set the lyb_value and lyb_value_len */
318  lyb_parse_union(lyb_data, lyb_data_len, &type_idx, &lyb_value, &lyb_value_len);
319  LY_CHECK_RET(ret);
321  /* store lyb_data to subvalue */
322  ret = union_subvalue_assignment(lyb_data, lyb_data_len, &subvalue->original, &subvalue->orig_len, options);
323  LY_CHECK_RET(ret);
325  if (lyb_value) {
326  /* resolve prefix_data and set format */
327  ret = lyplg_type_prefix_data_new(ctx, lyb_value, lyb_value_len, LY_VALUE_LYB, prefix_data, &subvalue->format,
328  &subvalue->prefix_data);
329  LY_CHECK_RET(ret);
330  assert(subvalue->format == LY_VALUE_LYB);
331  } else {
332  /* lyb_parse_union() did not find lyb_value, just set format */
333  subvalue->format = LY_VALUE_LYB;
334  }
336  /* use the specific type to store the value */
337  ret = union_store_type(ctx, type_u->types[type_idx], subvalue, *options, 0, NULL, NULL, unres, err);
339  return ret;
340 }
343 lyplg_type_store_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const void *value, size_t value_len,
344  uint32_t options, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints, const struct lysc_node *ctx_node,
345  struct lyd_value *storage, struct lys_glob_unres *unres, struct ly_err_item **err)
346 {
347  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS, r;
348  struct lysc_type_union *type_u = (struct lysc_type_union *)type;
349  struct lyd_value_union *subvalue;
351  *err = NULL;
353  /* init storage */
354  memset(storage, 0, sizeof *storage);
355  LYPLG_TYPE_VAL_INLINE_PREPARE(storage, subvalue);
356  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!subvalue, ret = LY_EMEM, cleanup);
357  storage->realtype = type;
358  subvalue->hints = hints;
359  subvalue->ctx_node = ctx_node;
361  if (format == LY_VALUE_LYB) {
362  ret = lyb_fill_subvalue(ctx, type_u, value, value_len, prefix_data, subvalue, &options, unres, err);
363  LY_CHECK_GOTO((ret != LY_SUCCESS) && (ret != LY_EINCOMPLETE), cleanup);
364  } else {
365  /* Store @p value to subvalue. */
366  ret = union_subvalue_assignment(value, value_len, &subvalue->original, &subvalue->orig_len, &options);
367  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
369  /* store format-specific data for later prefix resolution */
370  ret = lyplg_type_prefix_data_new(ctx, value, value_len, format, prefix_data, &subvalue->format,
371  &subvalue->prefix_data);
372  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
374  /* use the first usable subtype to store the value */
375  ret = union_find_type(ctx, type_u->types, subvalue, options, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, unres, err);
376  LY_CHECK_GOTO((ret != LY_SUCCESS) && (ret != LY_EINCOMPLETE), cleanup);
377  }
379  /* store canonical value, if any (use the specific type value) */
380  r = lydict_insert(ctx, subvalue->value._canonical, 0, &storage->_canonical);
381  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(r, ret = r, cleanup);
383 cleanup:
384  if (options & LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC) {
385  free((void *)value);
386  }
388  if ((ret != LY_SUCCESS) && (ret != LY_EINCOMPLETE)) {
389  lyplg_type_free_union(ctx, storage);
390  }
391  return ret;
392 }
395 lyplg_type_validate_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const struct lyd_node *ctx_node,
396  const struct lyd_node *tree, struct lyd_value *storage, struct ly_err_item **err)
397 {
398  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
399  struct lysc_type_union *type_u = (struct lysc_type_union *)type;
400  struct lyd_value_union *subvalue = storage->subvalue;
401  uint32_t type_idx;
403  *err = NULL;
405  /* because of types that do not store their own type as realtype (leafref), we are not able to call their
406  * validate callback (there is no way to get the type TODO could be added to struct lyd_value_union), so
407  * we have to perform union value storing again from scratch */
408  subvalue->value.realtype->plugin->free(ctx, &subvalue->value);
410  if (subvalue->format == LY_VALUE_LYB) {
411  /* use the specific type to store the value */
412  lyb_parse_union(subvalue->original, 0, &type_idx, NULL, NULL);
413  ret = union_store_type(ctx, type_u->types[type_idx], subvalue, 0, 1, ctx_node, tree, NULL, err);
414  LY_CHECK_RET(ret);
415  } else {
416  /* use the first usable subtype to store the value */
417  ret = union_find_type(ctx, type_u->types, subvalue, 0, 1, ctx_node, tree, NULL, NULL, err);
418  LY_CHECK_RET(ret);
419  }
421  /* success, update the canonical value, if any generated */
422  lydict_remove(ctx, storage->_canonical);
423  LY_CHECK_RET(lydict_insert(ctx, subvalue->value._canonical, 0, &storage->_canonical));
424  return LY_SUCCESS;
425 }
428 lyplg_type_compare_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
429 {
430  if (val1->subvalue->value.realtype != val2->subvalue->value.realtype) {
431  return LY_ENOT;
432  }
433  return val1->subvalue->value.realtype->plugin->compare(ctx, &val1->subvalue->value, &val2->subvalue->value);
434 }
437 lyplg_type_sort_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
438 {
439  int ret;
441  struct lysc_type **types;
443  if (val1->subvalue->value.realtype == val2->subvalue->value.realtype) {
444  return val1->subvalue->value.realtype->plugin->sort(ctx, &val1->subvalue->value, &val2->subvalue->value);
445  }
447  /* compare according to the order of types */
448  ret = 0;
449  types = ((struct lysc_type_union *)val1->realtype)->types;
450  LY_ARRAY_FOR(types, u) {
451  if (types[u] == val1->subvalue->value.realtype) {
452  ret = 1;
453  break;
454  } else if (types[u] == val2->subvalue->value.realtype) {
455  ret = -1;
456  break;
457  }
458  }
459  assert(ret != 0);
461  return ret;
462 }
476 static const void *
477 lyb_union_print(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lysc_type_union *type_u, struct lyd_value_union *subvalue,
478  void *prefix_data, size_t *value_len)
479 {
480  void *ret = NULL;
481  LY_ERR r;
482  struct ly_err_item *err;
483  uint64_t num = 0;
484  uint32_t type_idx = 0;
485  ly_bool dynamic;
486  size_t pval_len;
487  void *pval;
489  /* Find out the index number (type_idx). The call should succeed
490  * because the union_find_type() has already been called in the
491  * lyplg_type_store_union().
492  */
493  if (!ctx) {
494  assert(subvalue->ctx_node);
495  ctx = subvalue->ctx_node->module->ctx;
496  }
497  subvalue->value.realtype->plugin->free(ctx, &subvalue->value);
498  r = union_find_type(ctx, type_u->types, subvalue, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, &type_idx, NULL, &err);
499  ly_err_free(err);
502  /* Print subvalue in LYB format. */
503  pval = (void *)subvalue->value.realtype->plugin->print(NULL, &subvalue->value, LY_VALUE_LYB, prefix_data, &dynamic,
504  &pval_len);
505  LY_CHECK_RET(!pval, NULL);
507  /* Create LYB data. */
508  *value_len = IDX_SIZE + pval_len;
509  ret = malloc(*value_len);
510  LY_CHECK_RET(!ret, NULL);
512  num = type_idx;
513  num = htole64(num);
514  memcpy(ret, &num, IDX_SIZE);
515  memcpy((char *)ret + IDX_SIZE, pval, pval_len);
517  if (dynamic) {
518  free(pval);
519  }
521  return ret;
522 }
524 LIBYANG_API_DEF const void *
525 lyplg_type_print_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *value, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format,
526  void *prefix_data, ly_bool *dynamic, size_t *value_len)
527 {
528  const void *ret;
529  struct lyd_value_union *subvalue = value->subvalue;
530  struct lysc_type_union *type_u = (struct lysc_type_union *)value->realtype;
531  size_t lyb_data_len = 0;
533  if ((format == LY_VALUE_LYB) && (subvalue->format == LY_VALUE_LYB)) {
534  /* The return value is already ready. */
535  *dynamic = 0;
536  if (value_len) {
537  *value_len = subvalue->orig_len;
538  }
539  return subvalue->original;
540  } else if ((format == LY_VALUE_LYB) && (subvalue->format != LY_VALUE_LYB)) {
541  /* The return LYB data must be created. */
542  *dynamic = 1;
543  ret = lyb_union_print(ctx, type_u, subvalue, prefix_data, &lyb_data_len);
544  if (value_len) {
545  *value_len = lyb_data_len;
546  }
547  return ret;
548  }
550  assert(format != LY_VALUE_LYB);
551  ret = (void *)subvalue->value.realtype->plugin->print(ctx, &subvalue->value, format, prefix_data, dynamic, value_len);
552  if (!value->_canonical && (format == LY_VALUE_CANON)) {
553  /* the canonical value is supposed to be stored now */
554  lydict_insert(ctx, subvalue->value._canonical, 0, (const char **)&value->_canonical);
555  }
557  return ret;
558 }
561 lyplg_type_dup_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *original, struct lyd_value *dup)
562 {
563  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
564  struct lyd_value_union *orig_val = original->subvalue, *dup_val;
566  /* init dup value */
567  memset(dup, 0, sizeof *dup);
568  dup->realtype = original->realtype;
570  ret = lydict_insert(ctx, original->_canonical, 0, &dup->_canonical);
571  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
573  dup_val = calloc(1, sizeof *dup_val);
574  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!dup_val, LOGMEM(ctx); ret = LY_EMEM, cleanup);
575  dup->subvalue = dup_val;
577  ret = orig_val->value.realtype->plugin->duplicate(ctx, &orig_val->value, &dup_val->value);
578  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
580  if (orig_val->orig_len) {
581  dup_val->original = calloc(1, orig_val->orig_len);
582  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!dup_val->original, LOGMEM(ctx); ret = LY_EMEM, cleanup);
583  memcpy(dup_val->original, orig_val->original, orig_val->orig_len);
584  } else {
585  dup_val->original = strdup("");
586  LY_CHECK_ERR_GOTO(!dup_val->original, LOGMEM(ctx); ret = LY_EMEM, cleanup);
587  }
588  dup_val->orig_len = orig_val->orig_len;
590  dup_val->format = orig_val->format;
591  dup_val->ctx_node = orig_val->ctx_node;
592  dup_val->hints = orig_val->hints;
593  ret = lyplg_type_prefix_data_dup(ctx, orig_val->format, orig_val->prefix_data, &dup_val->prefix_data);
594  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
596 cleanup:
597  if (ret) {
598  lyplg_type_free_union(ctx, dup);
599  }
600  return ret;
601 }
604 lyplg_type_free_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyd_value *value)
605 {
606  struct lyd_value_union *val;
608  lydict_remove(ctx, value->_canonical);
609  value->_canonical = NULL;
610  LYD_VALUE_GET(value, val);
611  if (val) {
612  if (val->value.realtype) {
613  val->value.realtype->plugin->free(ctx, &val->value);
614  }
616  free(val->original);
619  }
620 }
630  {
631  .module = "",
632  .revision = NULL,
633  .name = LY_TYPE_UNION_STR,
635 = "libyang 2 - union,version 1",
636 = lyplg_type_store_union,
637  .plugin.validate = lyplg_type_validate_union,
638 = lyplg_type_compare_union,
639  .plugin.sort = lyplg_type_sort_union,
640  .plugin.print = lyplg_type_print_union,
641  .plugin.duplicate = lyplg_type_dup_union,
642 = lyplg_type_free_union,
643  .plugin.lyb_data_len = -1,
644  },
645  {0}
646 };
struct lysc_type * realtype
Definition: tree_data.h:575
Compiled YANG data node.
Definition: tree_schema.h:1439
Printing format specifier macro for LY_ARRAY_SIZE_TYPE values.
Definition: tree.h:109
struct ly_ctx * ctx
Definition: tree_schema.h:2132
memset(value->fixed_mem, 0, LYD_VALUE_FIXED_MEM_SIZE)
struct lyplg_type * plugin
Definition: tree_schema.h:1304
Definition: log.h:244
Generic structure for a data node.
Definition: tree_data.h:799
LIBYANG_API_DECL uint32_t * ly_temp_log_options(uint32_t *opts)
Set temporary thread-safe logger options overwriting those set by ly_log_options().
uint8_t ly_bool
Type to indicate boolean value.
Definition: log.h:28
lyplg_type_free_clb free
LIBYANG_API_DECL const void * lyplg_type_print_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *value, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, ly_bool *dynamic, size_t *value_len)
Implementation of lyplg_type_print_clb for the built-in union type.
Definition: union.c:525
Definition: log.h:242
LY_ERR err
Definition: log.h:287
void * original
Definition: tree_data.h:629
size_t orig_len
Definition: tree_data.h:630
#define LOGMEM(CTX)
Definition: tree_edit.h:22
char * msg
Definition: log.h:289
LIBYANG_API_DECL void lyplg_type_free_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyd_value *value)
Implementation of lyplg_type_free_clb for the built-in union type.
Definition: union.c:604
struct lysc_node * ctx_node
Definition: tree_data.h:636
struct lysc_type ** types
Definition: tree_schema.h:1418
The main libyang public header.
YANG data representation.
Definition: tree_data.h:571
const char * _canonical
Definition: tree_data.h:572
lyplg_type_store_clb store
Libyang full error structure.
Definition: log.h:285
Definition: log.h:277
#define LYD_VALUE_GET(value, type_val)
Get the value in format specific to the type.
Definition: tree_data.h:614
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR LIBYANG_API_DECL void ly_err_free(void *ptr)
Destructor for the error records created with ly_err_new().
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR ly_err_new(struct ly_err_item **err, LY_ERR ecode, LY_VECODE vecode, char *data_path, char *apptag, const char *err_format,...) _FORMAT_PRINTF(6
Create and fill error structure.
struct lyplg_type_record plugins_union[]
Plugin information for union type implementation.
Definition: union.c:629
uint32_t hints
Definition: tree_data.h:631
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_prefix_data_new(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const void *value, size_t value_len, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, const void *prefix_data, LY_VALUE_FORMAT *format_p, void **prefix_data_p)
Store used prefixes in a string into an internal libyang structure used in lyd_value.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_store_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const void *value, size_t value_len, uint32_t options, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints, const struct lysc_node *ctx_node, struct lyd_value *storage, struct lys_glob_unres *unres, struct ly_err_item **err)
Implementation of lyplg_type_store_clb for the built-in union type.
Definition: union.c:343
#define IDX_SIZE
Size in bytes of the index in the LYB Binary Format.
Definition: union.c:46
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_compare_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_compare_clb for the built-in union type.
Definition: union.c:428
void * prefix_data
Definition: tree_data.h:635
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lydict_remove(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *value)
Remove specified string from the dictionary. It decrement reference counter for the string and if it ...
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lydict_insert(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *value, size_t len, const char **str_p)
Insert string into dictionary. If the string is already present, only a reference counter is incremen...
lyplg_type_dup_clb duplicate
const char * module
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_prefix_data_dup(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, const void *orig, void **dup)
Duplicate prefix data.
Get the number of records in the ARRAY.
Definition: tree.h:148
lyplg_type_sort_clb sort
LIBYANG_API_DECL int lyplg_type_sort_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_sort_clb for the built-in union type.
Definition: union.c:437
LIBYANG_API_DECL void lyplg_type_prefix_data_free(LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data)
Free internal prefix data.
void * ly_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
Wrapper for realloc() call. The only difference is that if it fails to allocate the requested memory...
#define LY_ARRAY_FOR(ARRAY,...)
Sized-array iterator (for-loop).
Definition: tree.h:167
Type (i.e. size) of the sized array&#39;s size counter.
Definition: tree.h:104
struct lys_module * module
Definition: tree_schema.h:1443
if((v1->size!=v2->size)||memcmp(v1->data, v2->data, v1->size))
Definition: binary.c:372
All kinds of supported value formats and prefix mappings to modules.
Definition: tree.h:234
lyplg_type_print_clb print
Definition: log.h:248
lyplg_type_validate_clb validate
#define LYPLG_TYPE_VAL_INLINE_PREPARE(storage, type_val)
Prepare value memory for storing a specific type value, may be allocated dynamically.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_validate_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const struct lyd_node *ctx_node, const struct lyd_node *tree, struct lyd_value *storage, struct ly_err_item **err)
Implementation of lyplg_type_validate_clb for the built-in union type.
Definition: union.c:395
lyplg_type_compare_clb compare
Special lyd_value structure for built-in union values.
Definition: tree_data.h:626
API for (user) types plugins.
Definition: tree_data.h:632
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_dup_union(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *original, struct lyd_value *dup)
Implementation of lyplg_type_dup_clb for the built-in union type.
Definition: union.c:561
libyang&#39;s error codes returned by the libyang functions.
Definition: log.h:240
libyang context handler.
struct lyd_value value
Definition: tree_data.h:627
Definition: log.h:254