26 #include "ly_common.h"
27 #include "plugins_internal.h"
28 #include "tree_data_internal.h"
51 hints, ctx_node, storage, unres, err);
72 char *errmsg = NULL, *
73 struct ly_set *targets = NULL;
93 for (i = 0; i < targets->
count; ++i) {
95 LY_CHECK_GOTO(rc, cleanup);
const void *
118 void *prefix_data,
ly_bool *dynamic,
size_t *value_len)
120 return value->
print(ctx, value, format, prefix_data, dynamic, value_len);
146 .name = LY_TYPE_LEAFREF_STR,
148 .plugin.id =
"libyang 2 - leafref, version 1",
156 .plugin.lyb_data_len = -1,
struct lysc_type * realtype
struct lyplg_type * plugin
Generic structure for a data node.
uint8_t ly_bool
Type to indicate boolean value.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_store_leafref(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const void *value, size_t value_len, uint32_t options, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints, const struct lysc_node *ctx_node, struct lyd_value *storage, struct lys_glob_unres *unres, struct ly_err_item **err)
Implementation of lyplg_type_store_clb for the built-in leafref type.
LIBYANG_API_DECL char * lyd_path(const struct lyd_node *node, LYD_PATH_TYPE pathtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
Generate path of the given node in the requested format.
Data node structure for the terminal data tree nodes - leaves and leaf-lists.
LIBYANG_API_DECL void ly_set_free(struct ly_set *set, void(*destructor)(void *obj))
Free the ly_set data. If the destructor is not provided, it frees only the set structure content...
struct lyplg_type_record plugins_leafref[]
Plugin information for leafref type implementation.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_resolve_leafref(const struct lysc_type_leafref *lref, const struct lyd_node *node, struct lyd_value *value, const struct lyd_node *tree, struct ly_set **targets, char **errmsg)
Find leafref target in data.
The main libyang public header.
LIBYANG_API_DECL int lyplg_type_sort_leafref(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_sort_clb for the built-in leafref type.
YANG data representation.
lyplg_type_store_clb store
Libyang full error structure.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR ly_err_new(struct ly_err_item **err, LY_ERR ecode, LY_VECODE vecode, char *data_path, char *apptag, const char *err_format,...) _FORMAT_PRINTF(6
Create and fill error structure.
LIBYANG_API_DECL const void * lyplg_type_print_leafref(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *value, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, ly_bool *dynamic, size_t *value_len)
Implementation of lyplg_type_print_clb for the built-in leafref type.
Structure to hold a set of (not necessary somehow connected) objects. Usually used for lyd_node...
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_compare_leafref(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_compare_clb for the built-in leafref type.
lyplg_type_dup_clb duplicate
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_validate_leafref(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const struct lyd_node *ctx_node, const struct lyd_node *tree, struct lyd_value *storage, struct ly_err_item **err)
Implementation of lyplg_type_validate_clb for the built-in leafref type.
All kinds of supported value formats and prefix mappings to modules.
lyplg_type_print_clb print
LIBYANG_API_DECL uint16_t ly_ctx_get_options(const struct ly_ctx *ctx)
Get the currently set context's options.
LIBYANG_API_DECL void lyplg_type_free_leafref(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyd_value *value)
Implementation of lyplg_type_free_clb for the built-in leafref type.
lyplg_type_compare_clb compare
API for (user) types plugins.
libyang's error codes returned by the libyang functions.
struct lysc_type * realtype
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_dup_leafref(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *original, struct lyd_value *dup)
Implementation of lyplg_type_dup_clb for the built-in leafref type.