libyang  3.4.2
libyang is YANG data modelling language parser and toolkit written (and providing API) in C.
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14 #define _GNU_SOURCE /* strdup */
16 #include "plugins_types.h"
18 #include <stdint.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include "libyang.h"
23 /* additional internal headers for some useful simple macros */
24 #include "compat.h"
25 #include "ly_common.h"
26 #include "path.h"
27 #include "plugins_internal.h" /* LY_TYPE_*_STR */
47 static LY_ERR
48 instanceid_path2str(const struct ly_path *path, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, char **str)
49 {
50  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
52  char *result = NULL, quot;
53  const struct lys_module *mod = NULL, *local_mod = NULL;
54  struct ly_set *mods = NULL;
55  ly_bool inherit_prefix = 0, d;
56  const char *strval;
58  switch (format) {
59  case LY_VALUE_XML:
60  /* null the local module so that all the prefixes are printed */
61  mods = prefix_data;
62  local_mod = mods->objs[0];
63  mods->objs[0] = NULL;
65  /* fallthrough */
68  /* everything is prefixed */
69  inherit_prefix = 0;
70  break;
71  case LY_VALUE_CANON:
72  case LY_VALUE_JSON:
73  case LY_VALUE_LYB:
74  case LY_VALUE_STR_NS:
75  /* the same prefix is inherited and skipped */
76  inherit_prefix = 1;
77  break;
78  }
80  LY_ARRAY_FOR(path, u) {
81  /* new node */
82  if (!inherit_prefix || (mod != path[u].node->module)) {
83  mod = path[u].node->module;
84  ret = ly_strcat(&result, "/%s:%s", lyplg_type_get_prefix(mod, format, prefix_data), path[u].node->name);
85  } else {
86  ret = ly_strcat(&result, "/%s", path[u].node->name);
87  }
88  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
90  /* node predicates */
91  LY_ARRAY_FOR(path[u].predicates, v) {
92  struct ly_path_predicate *pred = &path[u].predicates[v];
94  switch (pred->type) {
96  /* position predicate */
97  ret = ly_strcat(&result, "[%" PRIu64 "]", pred->position);
98  break;
100  /* key-predicate */
101  strval = pred->value.realtype->plugin->print(path[u].node->module->ctx, &pred->value, format, prefix_data,
102  &d, NULL);
104  /* default quote */
105  quot = '\'';
106  if (strchr(strval, quot)) {
107  quot = '"';
108  }
109  if (inherit_prefix) {
110  /* always the same prefix as the parent */
111  ret = ly_strcat(&result, "[%s=%c%s%c]", pred->key->name, quot, strval, quot);
112  } else {
113  ret = ly_strcat(&result, "[%s:%s=%c%s%c]", lyplg_type_get_prefix(pred->key->module, format, prefix_data),
114  pred->key->name, quot, strval, quot);
115  }
116  if (d) {
117  free((char *)strval);
118  }
119  break;
121  /* leaf-list-predicate */
122  strval = pred->value.realtype->plugin->print(path[u].node->module->ctx, &pred->value, format, prefix_data,
123  &d, NULL);
125  /* default quote */
126  quot = '\'';
127  if (strchr(strval, quot)) {
128  quot = '"';
129  }
130  ret = ly_strcat(&result, "[.=%c%s%c]", quot, strval, quot);
131  if (d) {
132  free((char *)strval);
133  }
134  break;
136  LOGINT(path[u].node->module->ctx);
137  ret = LY_EINT;
138  goto cleanup;
139  }
141  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
142  }
143  }
145 cleanup:
146  if (local_mod) {
147  mods->objs[0] = (void *)local_mod;
148  }
149  if (ret) {
150  free(result);
151  } else {
152  *str = result;
153  }
154  return ret;
155 }
158 lyplg_type_store_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const void *value, size_t value_len,
159  uint32_t options, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints, const struct lysc_node *ctx_node,
160  struct lyd_value *storage, struct lys_glob_unres *unres, struct ly_err_item **err)
161 {
162  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
163  struct lysc_type_instanceid *type_inst = (struct lysc_type_instanceid *)type;
164  struct ly_path *path;
165  char *canon;
167  /* init storage */
168  memset(storage, 0, sizeof *storage);
169  storage->realtype = type;
171  /* check hints */
172  ret = lyplg_type_check_hints(hints, value, value_len, type->basetype, NULL, err);
173  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
175  /* compile instance-identifier into path */
176  if (format == LY_VALUE_LYB) {
177  /* value in LYB format is the same as in JSON format. */
178  ret = lyplg_type_lypath_new(ctx, value, value_len, options, LY_VALUE_JSON, prefix_data, ctx_node,
179  unres, &path, err);
180  } else {
181  ret = lyplg_type_lypath_new(ctx, value, value_len, options, format, prefix_data, ctx_node,
182  unres, &path, err);
183  }
184  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
186  /* store value */
187  storage->target = path;
189  /* check status */
190  ret = lyplg_type_lypath_check_status(ctx_node, path, format, prefix_data, err);
191  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
193  /* store canonical value */
194  if (format == LY_VALUE_CANON) {
195  if (options & LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC) {
196  ret = lydict_insert_zc(ctx, (char *)value, &storage->_canonical);
197  options &= ~LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC;
198  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
199  } else {
200  ret = lydict_insert(ctx, value, value_len, &storage->_canonical);
201  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
202  }
203  } else {
204  /* JSON format with prefix is the canonical one */
205  ret = instanceid_path2str(path, LY_VALUE_JSON, NULL, &canon);
206  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
208  ret = lydict_insert_zc(ctx, canon, &storage->_canonical);
209  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, cleanup);
210  }
212 cleanup:
213  if (options & LYPLG_TYPE_STORE_DYNAMIC) {
214  free((void *)value);
215  }
217  if (ret) {
218  lyplg_type_free_instanceid(ctx, storage);
219  }
220  if (!ret && type_inst->require_instance) {
221  /* needs to be resolved */
222  return LY_EINCOMPLETE;
223  } else {
224  return ret;
225  }
226 }
229 lyplg_type_validate_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *UNUSED(type),
230  const struct lyd_node *ctx_node, const struct lyd_node *tree, struct lyd_value *storage,
231  struct ly_err_item **err)
232 {
233  LY_ERR ret = LY_SUCCESS;
234  struct lysc_type_instanceid *type_inst = (struct lysc_type_instanceid *)storage->realtype;
235  const char *value;
236  char *path;
238  *err = NULL;
240  if (!type_inst->require_instance) {
241  /* redundant to resolve */
242  return LY_SUCCESS;
243  }
245  /* find the target in data */
246  if ((ret = ly_path_eval(storage->target, tree, NULL, NULL))) {
247  value = lyd_value_get_canonical(ctx, storage);
248  path = lyd_path(ctx_node, LYD_PATH_STD, NULL, 0);
249  return ly_err_new(err, ret, LYVE_DATA, path, strdup("instance-required"), LY_ERRMSG_NOINST, value);
250  }
252  return LY_SUCCESS;
253 }
255 LIBYANG_API_DEF const void *
256 lyplg_type_print_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *value, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format,
257  void *prefix_data, ly_bool *dynamic, size_t *value_len)
258 {
259  char *ret = NULL;
260  struct ly_path *p = NULL;
261  const struct ly_path *target;
262  struct ly_err_item *err;
264  if ((format == LY_VALUE_CANON) || (format == LY_VALUE_JSON) || (format == LY_VALUE_LYB)) {
265  if (dynamic) {
266  *dynamic = 0;
267  }
268  if (value_len) {
269  *value_len = strlen(value->_canonical);
270  }
271  return value->_canonical;
272  }
274  if (!value->target) {
275  /* schema default value, compile it first */
276  if (lyplg_type_lypath_new(ctx, value->_canonical, strlen(value->_canonical), 0, LY_VALUE_JSON, NULL, NULL,
277  NULL, &p, &err)) {
278  if (err) {
279  ly_err_print(ctx, err);
280  ly_err_free(err);
281  }
282  goto cleanup;
283  }
285  target = p;
286  } else {
287  target = value->target;
288  }
290  /* print the value in the specific format */
291  if (instanceid_path2str(target, format, prefix_data, &ret)) {
292  goto cleanup;
293  }
295  *dynamic = 1;
296  if (value_len) {
297  *value_len = strlen(ret);
298  }
300 cleanup:
301  ly_path_free(p);
302  return ret;
303 }
306 lyplg_type_dup_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *original, struct lyd_value *dup)
307 {
308  LY_ERR ret;
309  struct ly_err_item *err;
311  memset(dup, 0, sizeof *dup);
313  /* canonical value */
314  ret = lydict_insert(ctx, original->_canonical, 0, &dup->_canonical);
315  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, error);
317  if (!original->target) {
318  /* schema default value, needs to be compiled */
319  if (lyplg_type_lypath_new(ctx, original->_canonical, strlen(original->_canonical), 0, LY_VALUE_JSON, NULL, NULL,
320  NULL, &dup->target, &err)) {
321  if (err) {
322  ly_err_print(ctx, err);
323  ly_err_free(err);
324  }
325  goto error;
326  }
327  } else {
328  /* copy path */
329  ret = ly_path_dup(ctx, original->target, &dup->target);
330  LY_CHECK_GOTO(ret, error);
331  }
333  dup->realtype = original->realtype;
334  return LY_SUCCESS;
336 error:
337  lyplg_type_free_instanceid(ctx, dup);
338  return ret;
339 }
342 lyplg_type_free_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyd_value *value)
343 {
344  lydict_remove(ctx, value->_canonical);
345  value->_canonical = NULL;
346  ly_path_free(value->target);
347 }
357  {
358  .module = "",
359  .revision = NULL,
360  .name = LY_TYPE_INST_STR,
362 = "libyang 2 - instance-identifier, version 1",
363 = lyplg_type_store_instanceid,
364  .plugin.validate = lyplg_type_validate_instanceid,
365 = lyplg_type_compare_simple,
366  .plugin.sort = lyplg_type_sort_simple,
367  .plugin.print = lyplg_type_print_instanceid,
368  .plugin.duplicate = lyplg_type_dup_instanceid,
369 = lyplg_type_free_instanceid,
370  .plugin.lyb_data_len = -1,
371  },
372  {0}
373 };
struct lysc_type * realtype
Definition: tree_data.h:575
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_store_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const void *value, size_t value_len, uint32_t options, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, uint32_t hints, const struct lysc_node *ctx_node, struct lyd_value *storage, struct lys_glob_unres *unres, struct ly_err_item **err)
Implementation of lyplg_type_store_clb for the built-in instance-identifier type. ...
Definition: instanceid.c:158
Compiled YANG data node.
Definition: tree_schema.h:1439
memset(value->fixed_mem, 0, LYD_VALUE_FIXED_MEM_SIZE)
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_lypath_new(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *value, size_t value_len, uint32_t options, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, const struct lysc_node *ctx_node, struct lys_glob_unres *unres, struct ly_path **path, struct ly_err_item **err)
Helper function to create internal schema path representation for instance-identifier value represent...
struct lyplg_type_record plugins_instanceid[]
Plugin information for instance-identifier type implementation.
Definition: instanceid.c:356
Generic structure for a data node.
Definition: tree_data.h:799
Definition: log.h:247
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_compare_simple(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_compare_clb for a generic simple type.
uint8_t ly_bool
Type to indicate boolean value.
Definition: log.h:28
LY_ERR err
Definition: log.h:287
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_lypath_check_status(const struct lysc_node *ctx_node, const struct ly_path *path, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, struct ly_err_item **err)
Check that the lypath instance-identifier value is allowed based on the status of the nodes...
LIBYANG_API_DECL char * lyd_path(const struct lyd_node *node, LYD_PATH_TYPE pathtype, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
Generate path of the given node in the requested format.
LIBYANG_API_DEF int lyplg_type_sort_simple(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *val1, const struct lyd_value *val2)
Implementation of lyplg_type_sort_clb for a generic simple type.
LIBYANG_API_DECL const char * lyplg_type_get_prefix(const struct lys_module *mod, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data)
Get format-specific prefix for a module.
The main libyang public header.
LIBYANG_API_DECL void lyplg_type_free_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, struct lyd_value *value)
Implementation of lyplg_type_free_clb for the built-in instance-identifier type.
Definition: instanceid.c:342
YANG data representation.
Definition: tree_data.h:571
const char * _canonical
Definition: tree_data.h:572
Libyang full error structure.
Definition: log.h:285
LIBYANG_API_DECL const char * lyd_value_get_canonical(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *value)
Get the (canonical) value of a lyd_value.
Definition: log.h:277
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR LIBYANG_API_DECL void ly_err_free(void *ptr)
Destructor for the error records created with ly_err_new().
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR ly_err_new(struct ly_err_item **err, LY_ERR ecode, LY_VECODE vecode, char *data_path, char *apptag, const char *err_format,...) _FORMAT_PRINTF(6
Create and fill error structure.
LIBYANG_API_DECL void ly_err_print(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct ly_err_item *eitem)
Print the error structure as if just generated.
Structure to hold a set of (not necessary somehow connected) objects. Usually used for lyd_node...
Definition: set.h:47
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lydict_remove(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *value)
Remove specified string from the dictionary. It decrement reference counter for the string and if it ...
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lydict_insert(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const char *value, size_t len, const char **str_p)
Insert string into dictionary. If the string is already present, only a reference counter is incremen...
Available YANG schema tree structures representing YANG module.
Definition: tree_schema.h:2131
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_check_hints(uint32_t hints, const char *value, size_t value_len, LY_DATA_TYPE type, int *base, struct ly_err_item **err)
Check that the type is suitable for the parser&#39;s hints (if any) in the specified format.
const char * module
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_validate_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lysc_type *type, const struct lyd_node *ctx_node, const struct lyd_node *tree, struct lyd_value *storage, struct ly_err_item **err)
Implementation of lyplg_type_validate_clb for the built-in instance-identifier type.
#define LY_ARRAY_FOR(ARRAY,...)
Sized-array iterator (for-loop).
Definition: tree.h:167
Type (i.e. size) of the sized array&#39;s size counter.
Definition: tree.h:104
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lydict_insert_zc(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, char *value, const char **str_p)
Insert string into dictionary - zerocopy version. If the string is already present, only a reference counter is incremented and no memory allocation is performed. This insert function variant avoids duplication of specified value - it is inserted into the dictionary directly.
if((v1->size!=v2->size)||memcmp(v1->data, v2->data, v1->size))
Definition: binary.c:349
LIBYANG_API_DECL const void * lyplg_type_print_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *value, LY_VALUE_FORMAT format, void *prefix_data, ly_bool *dynamic, size_t *value_len)
Implementation of lyplg_type_print_clb for the built-in instance-identifier type. ...
Definition: instanceid.c:256
All kinds of supported value formats and prefix mappings to modules.
Definition: tree.h:234
LY_DATA_TYPE basetype
Definition: tree_schema.h:1305
API for (user) types plugins.
LIBYANG_API_DECL LY_ERR lyplg_type_dup_instanceid(const struct ly_ctx *ctx, const struct lyd_value *original, struct lyd_value *dup)
Implementation of lyplg_type_dup_clb for the built-in instance-identifier type.
Definition: instanceid.c:306
libyang&#39;s error codes returned by the libyang functions.
Definition: log.h:240
libyang context handler.