YANG data modeling language library
Attr | Class for wrapping lyd_attr |
Context | Class for wrapping ly_ctx |
Data_Node | Classes for wrapping lyd_node |
Decimal64 | |
Deviate | |
Deviation | |
Difflist | Class for wrapping lyd_difflist |
Error | Class for wrapping ly_err_item |
Ext | |
Ext_Instance | |
Feature | |
Ident | |
Iffeature | |
Import | |
Include | |
lyd_anydata_value | Anydata value union |
lyd_attr | Attribute structure |
lyd_difflist | Structure for the result of lyd_diff(), describing differences between two data trees |
lyd_node | Generic structure for a data node, directly applicable to the data nodes defined as LYS_CONTAINER, LYS_LIST and LYS_CHOICE |
lyd_node_anydata | Structure for data nodes defined as LYS_ANYDATA or LYS_ANYXML |
lyd_node_leaf_list | Structure for data nodes defined as LYS_LEAF or LYS_LEAFLIST |
lyd_value_u | Node's value representation |
lyext_plugin | |
lyext_plugin_complex | |
lyext_plugin_list | |
lyext_substmt | Description of the extension instance substatement |
lys_deviate | YANG deviate statement structure, see RFC 6020 sec. |
lys_deviation | YANG deviation statement structure, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.18.3 |
lys_ext | YANG extension definition |
lys_ext_instance | Generic extension instance structure |
lys_ext_instance_complex | Complex extension instance structure |
lys_feature | YANG feature definition structure |
lys_ident | Structure to hold information about identity, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.16 |
lys_iffeature | Compiled if-feature expression structure |
lys_import | YANG import structure used to reference other schemas (modules) |
lys_include | YANG include structure used to reference submodules |
lys_module | Main schema node structure representing YANG module |
lys_node | Common structure representing single YANG data statement describing |
lys_node_anydata | Schema anydata (and anyxml) node structure |
lys_node_augment | YANG augment structure (covering both possibilities - uses's substatement as well as (sub)module's substatement) |
lys_node_case | Schema case node structure |
lys_node_choice | Schema choice node structure |
lys_node_container | Schema container node structure |
lys_node_grp | Schema grouping node structure |
lys_node_inout | RPC input and output node structure |
lys_node_leaf | Schema leaf node structure |
lys_node_leaflist | Schema leaf-list node structure |
lys_node_list | Schema list node structure |
lys_node_notif | Schema notification node structure |
lys_node_rpc_action | Schema rpc/action node structure |
lys_node_uses | Schema uses node structure |
lys_refine | YANG uses's refine substatement structure, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.12.2 |
lys_refine_mod | Union to hold target modification in lys_refine |
lys_refine_mod_list | Container for list modifications in lys_refine_mod |
lys_restr | YANG validity restriction (must, length, etc.) structure providing information from the schema |
lys_revision | YANG revision statement for (sub)modules |
lys_submodule | Submodule schema node structure that can be included into a YANG module |
lys_tpdf | YANG typedef structure providing information from the schema |
lys_type | YANG type structure providing information from the schema |
lys_type_bit | Single bit value specification for lys_type_info_bits |
lys_type_enum | Single enumeration value specification for lys_type_info_enums |
lys_type_info | Union for holding type-specific information in lys_type |
lys_type_info_binary | |
lys_type_info_bits | Container for information about bits types (LY_TYPE_BINARY), used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_dec64 | Container for information about decimal64 types (LY_TYPE_DEC64), used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_enums | Container for information about enumeration types (LY_TYPE_ENUM), used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_ident | Container for information about identity types (LY_TYPE_IDENT), used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_inst | Container for information about instance-identifier types (LY_TYPE_INST), used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_lref | Container for information about leafref types (LY_TYPE_LEAFREF), used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_num | Container for information about integer types, used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_str | Container for information about string types (LY_TYPE_STRING), used in lys_type_info |
lys_type_info_union | Container for information about union types (LY_TYPE_UNION), used in lys_type_info |
lys_unique | YANG list's unique statement structure, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.8.3 |
lys_when | YANG when restriction, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.19.5 |
lytype_plugin_list | |
lyxml_attr | Element's attribute definition |
lyxml_elem | Structure describing an element in an XML tree |
lyxml_ns | Namespace definition |
Context::mod_missing_cb_return | |
Module | Classes for wrapping lys_module |
Refine | |
Refine_Mod | |
Refine_Mod_List | |
Restr | |
Revision | |
Schema_Node | |
Set | Class for wrapping ly_set |
Submodule | Classes for wrapping lys_submodule |
Substmt | |
Tpdf | |
Type | |
Type_Bit | |
Type_Enum | |
Type_Info | |
Type_Info_Binary | |
Type_Info_Bits | |
Type_Info_Dec64 | |
Type_Info_Enums | |
Type_Info_Ident | |
Type_Info_Inst | |
Type_Info_Lref | |
Type_Info_Num | |
Type_Info_Str | |
Type_Info_Union | |
Unique | |
Value | Class for wrapping lyd_val |
When | |
Xml_Attr | |
Xml_Elem | |
Xml_Ns | Class for wrapping lyxml_ns |