libyang  1.0.253
YANG data modeling language library
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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oClyd_anydata_valueAnydata value union
oClyd_attrAttribute structure
oClyd_difflistStructure for the result of lyd_diff(), describing differences between two data trees
oClyd_nodeGeneric structure for a data node, directly applicable to the data nodes defined as LYS_CONTAINER, LYS_LIST and LYS_CHOICE
oClyd_node_anydataStructure for data nodes defined as LYS_ANYDATA or LYS_ANYXML
oClyd_node_leaf_listStructure for data nodes defined as LYS_LEAF or LYS_LEAFLIST
oClyd_value_uNode's value representation
oClyext_substmtDescription of the extension instance substatement
oClys_deviateYANG deviate statement structure, see RFC 6020 sec.
oClys_deviationYANG deviation statement structure, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.18.3
oClys_extYANG extension definition
oClys_ext_instanceGeneric extension instance structure
oClys_ext_instance_complexComplex extension instance structure
oClys_featureYANG feature definition structure
oClys_identStructure to hold information about identity, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.16
oClys_iffeatureCompiled if-feature expression structure
oClys_importYANG import structure used to reference other schemas (modules)
oClys_includeYANG include structure used to reference submodules
oClys_moduleMain schema node structure representing YANG module
oClys_nodeCommon structure representing single YANG data statement describing
oClys_node_anydataSchema anydata (and anyxml) node structure
oClys_node_augmentYANG augment structure (covering both possibilities - uses's substatement as well as (sub)module's substatement)
oClys_node_caseSchema case node structure
oClys_node_choiceSchema choice node structure
oClys_node_containerSchema container node structure
oClys_node_grpSchema grouping node structure
oClys_node_inoutRPC input and output node structure
oClys_node_leafSchema leaf node structure
oClys_node_leaflistSchema leaf-list node structure
oClys_node_listSchema list node structure
oClys_node_notifSchema notification node structure
oClys_node_rpc_actionSchema rpc/action node structure
oClys_node_usesSchema uses node structure
oClys_refineYANG uses's refine substatement structure, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.12.2
oClys_refine_modUnion to hold target modification in lys_refine
oClys_refine_mod_listContainer for list modifications in lys_refine_mod
oClys_restrYANG validity restriction (must, length, etc.) structure providing information from the schema
oClys_revisionYANG revision statement for (sub)modules
oClys_submoduleSubmodule schema node structure that can be included into a YANG module
oClys_tpdfYANG typedef structure providing information from the schema
oClys_typeYANG type structure providing information from the schema
oClys_type_bitSingle bit value specification for lys_type_info_bits
oClys_type_enumSingle enumeration value specification for lys_type_info_enums
oClys_type_infoUnion for holding type-specific information in lys_type
oClys_type_info_bitsContainer for information about bits types (LY_TYPE_BINARY), used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_dec64Container for information about decimal64 types (LY_TYPE_DEC64), used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_enumsContainer for information about enumeration types (LY_TYPE_ENUM), used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_identContainer for information about identity types (LY_TYPE_IDENT), used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_instContainer for information about instance-identifier types (LY_TYPE_INST), used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_lrefContainer for information about leafref types (LY_TYPE_LEAFREF), used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_numContainer for information about integer types, used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_strContainer for information about string types (LY_TYPE_STRING), used in lys_type_info
oClys_type_info_unionContainer for information about union types (LY_TYPE_UNION), used in lys_type_info
oClys_uniqueYANG list's unique statement structure, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.8.3
oClys_whenYANG when restriction, see RFC 6020 sec. 7.19.5
oClyxml_attrElement's attribute definition
oClyxml_elemStructure describing an element in an XML tree
\Clyxml_nsNamespace definition